Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal Wednesday urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to order an inquiry into the mysterious death of Ludhiana-based budding singer Ishmeet Singh.
Ishmeet, 19, who won the "Voice of India" reality TV show featuring a singing contest in November last year, died July 29 by drowning in the swimming pool of a resort in the Maldives where he had gone to attend an
In a letter to the prime minister, Badal mentioned media reports that raised suspicions about the cause of Ishmeet's death.
Badal said the family and scores of admirers of the singer had requested him to seek a probe when he went to attend the memory service of Ishmeet in Ludhiana Sunday. He said that they suspected foul play in his
death due to professional rivalry.
The chief minister urged the prime minister to ask an appropriate investigating agency to probe Ishmeet's death.
Thursday, August 07, 2008 13:11 IST